a new hope
Before made our new movie project public, I redesigned our website in the year 2016. The old one was outdated since I developed it myself back in 2012. This time we outsourced the development. That's why I could concentrate on the usability and the ui design.
poster and title design
These are the costume posters of the three main characters. Together with the director Jeremias Erbe we searched for the places that best fit the character. I took the photos and edited them in Photoshop. These posters are the result.👇🏼
A film poster and a selection of character posters will follow.
dirt and blood everywhere
Before this project I had no experience doing make up. Because of that I watched many different tutorials on YouTube to learn the basics. Then I just tried to recreate it without all the professional tools. 
Since were shooting during summer the actors and actresses needed some sun protection. But they had to be dirty for the scene. Luckily I found a tutorial online in which the make up artist from the Terminator movie explained how they tackeled the same problem. They mixed sun cream with eye shadow and put it on the skin with a sponge. Sometimes it is that easy.
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